Reliable Grow Controllers meant to hold up in all conditions. Made for growers, by growers. Manufactured and designed in Oregon. For use with wired ethernet connection, or wireless radio frequency (RF), using the LoRa protocol.

Get In Touch
Robotic grow programs
We have developed this program to work with ease to learn how to use and maintain your grow program to be tailored to your own needs. Log in from anywhere with phone or wifi signal.

Soil moisture meter
Easily manage the soil moisture content level. Adjust at which percentage of moisture you want it to trigger.

Soil sensors with LoRa RF
8 soil sensors with LoRa RF wireless data transmission.

VPD climate controller
Controls humidity, heating, cooling, all with knobs to set at different values.
What we can offer you?
We have built the system to work with as much ease as possible to the user. If we see something needs to be addressed, we make something that will deliver a reliable solution to the problem. We know what you want, because we share the same needs and issues and interests, as being growers of crops ourselves. When we designed the controllers, we evaluated exactly what was necessary and how to apply our product efficiently to save the operation time, money, resources, and labor. All knobs, dials and settings are basic and designed so you can easily keep your grow room or greenhouse in check, so you can increase transpiration, photosynthesis and co2 intake. This will help increase your harvest and plant health.

Soil moisture meter
with automatic irrigation
This controller offers the user to easily manage the soil moisture content level. Fine tune it with the display screen showing the exact percentage of moisture at which you want your irrigation sprayers to turn on and off. Adjust at which percentage of moisture you want it to trigger. Optional day and night mode. Moisture sensor probe can be fully submerged in soil to any depth. Built with rugged waterproof sealer for many years of use without degradation. This can be used as a failsafe device to make sure your plants always receive water, even if the main control system fails or from a power outage. It can be used as a stand alone device, or connected to the Robotic Grow program for full monitoring with graphs and controlling capabilities from anywhere worldwide with wifi. Save money and resources by only giving the plants water when they need it.
Two types
Measures soil conductance
Measures the capacitance
Soil sensors with LoRa RF wireless data transmission
LoRa’s gateway is a private protocol. Each manufacturer’s analytical protocol is determined by itself, and the content of the protocol is different. .
The LoRaWAN gateway has better scalability. You can connect to many other LORAWAN collectors because it is a unified standard
Eight different sensors for controlling the soil properties of your land.
And everything by LoRa.

Salinity sensor
Measures the salt content in the soil.

N sensor
Measures the nitrogen content in the soil.

P sensor
Measures the potassium content in the soil.

K sensor
Measures the phosphorum content in the soil.

Temperature sensor
Measures the temperature
in the soil.

EC sensor
Measures the electric conductivity in the soil.

ph sensor
Measures the ph in the soil.

Moisture sensors
Two sensors that measures the moisture in the soil.
VPD Climate controller
The VPD Climate Controller will take care of the essential components to smoothly run a grow room or greenhouse. Control humidity, heating and cooling. All with knobs to set at different values.
Circulation fans come on at 60f, antifreeze alarm and drain or heater turned on automatically at 32f to avoid freezing and overheat alarm which will trigger at 95f to trigger air conditioners or foliar feeders to cool the area.
The sensors that come with it are: humidity, temperature probe for roots and a temperature probe for the canopy. It also has an optional night mode, so the plants are 15 degrees f cooler at night than day temps.
The display screen will show the VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit) level, which is created from an algorithm using the temperature and humidity.
By using a chart and VPD calculator, you can see how this works. Optimizing VPD, stimulates the stomata to open up on the undersides of the leaves and absorb more co2, enhancing photosynthesis profoundly and growth substantially.
This grow controller manages all major functions to operate a greenhouse or grow room. It can stand alone, on battery power if needed, as power outages can occur. It can also be hooked up to the Robotic Grow program and control and monitor as a more powerful unit in conjunction as a hybrid device with other Robotic Grow devices.

How do we do it?